Silk Road forums

Market => Product requests => Topic started by: OpticalInfinity on July 22, 2011, 08:37 am

Title: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: OpticalInfinity on July 22, 2011, 08:37 am
..and not to sound racist, but from a white cook. Mexican- and African-American cooks make mediocre meth there. Any white (trash) dealer on the east side of town has cheap, AMAZING meth. Great highs, easy come-downs. Mexican? African? Mediocre high, really, really rough come-down.

It's like an art form out there, to these hardcore tweakers. The product is amazing and abundant. It's gotta be upwards of 85% purity, and I would really like see some on Silk Road. The people I know there aren't smart enough to use Tor (really? Yes, really), so yeah. If anyone's got any connections out there, get it on here.

EDIT: Captical?
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capitcal of the country!
Post by: PsydwayZ on July 22, 2011, 08:49 am
Hah, you racist muthafucker :P Nah, yeah ill back your claim!
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capitcal of the country!
Post by: nomad bloodbath on July 22, 2011, 11:39 am
i HEAR YA, Jesse Pinkman.
Heisenberg Crystal in the house. :D
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capitcal of the country!
Post by: PsydwayZ on July 22, 2011, 07:39 pm
i HEAR YA, Jesse Pinkman.
Heisenberg Crystal in the house. :D

:) Ahh seems your country are the kings of the crystal. I keep reading and hearing wonderfull things about it. Unfortunatly I gather were or speaking for myself here are only going to get a taste of low to just acceptable shards. I enquired with the newly listed seller of gear  forgot his name.. He claims it to be 50%. Is that acceptable for that price around here would you say?
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capitcal of the country!
Post by: phubaiblues on July 22, 2011, 09:32 pm
I'm racist--or at least geographically prefudiced---against the garbage pseudo-heroin they make down in mexico too...can't those idiots get a good chemist and move past the juvenile tar? 

Fuck, even Colombia mangages to pull that one off...but not Mexico.

On the other hand, any port in a storm...I'm no different...but I've seen rotten legs and amputees from tar...not good at all...

and forget about having veins if you do tar...they go long before you think you are ready...unfair motherfucker, but that's the way it pans out...
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capitcal of the country!
Post by: deadich on July 23, 2011, 03:30 pm
yeah some nice uncut crystal would be awesome to have. Havent seen it on here yet, maybe i just missed it though.
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capitcal of the country!
Post by: OpticalInfinity on July 24, 2011, 12:37 am
yeah some nice uncut crystal would be awesome to have. Havent seen it on here yet, maybe i just missed it though.
Not from what I've seen.. we need some seriously dedicated cooks/dealers.
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capitcal of the country!
Post by: redtide on July 24, 2011, 01:27 am
problem with meth dealers is that most use their own product liberally, get sloppy and get popped.
shelf life for a dealer is rarely longer than a couple of years.
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capitcal of the country!
Post by: PsydwayZ on July 24, 2011, 04:14 pm
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: OpticalInfinity on July 24, 2011, 11:47 pm
Going to buy some tonight from a local dealer. It's not great. It's mediocre. So, with great sadness, and then mild euphoria, and then great sadness again + a harsh comedown.. I'll keep waiting for a Kern County, CA source.
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: manicsuggestion on July 25, 2011, 12:40 am
Stuffin' the ballot box with yea votes.....
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: joeblow2 on July 25, 2011, 12:51 am
Going to buy some tonight from a local dealer. It's not great. It's mediocre. So, with great sadness, and then mild euphoria, and then great sadness again + a harsh comedown.. I'll keep waiting for a Kern County, CA source.

I don't know where you are in CA, but out in the desert there is a very small town called Hemet.  It is infested with high quality meth labs.  It's so small you could probably just go there and sniff one out.  It's also the HQ for some portion of the Scientology UFO cult.  That's really the only two things in that town.   :)

(I have three abiding images of a meth dealer: the guy with no nose in "The Salton Sea",  the guy in the overalls, no shirt, in "Rush" that tries to fuck Jennifer Jason Leigh and the toothless woman with the ATM that tries to kill Jesse Pinkman.   I doubt any group has less attractive archetypes)
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: nomad bloodbath on July 25, 2011, 03:03 am
Going to buy some tonight from a local dealer. It's not great. It's mediocre. So, with great sadness, and then mild euphoria, and then great sadness again + a harsh comedown.. I'll keep waiting for a Kern County, CA source.

I don't know where you are in CA, but out in the desert there is a very small town called Hemet.  It is infested with high quality meth labs.  It's so small you could probably just go there and sniff one out.  It's also the HQ for some portion of the Scientology UFO cult.  That's really the only two things in that town.   :)

(I have three abiding images of a meth dealer: the guy with no nose in "The Salton Sea",  the guy in the overalls, no shirt, in "Rush" that tries to fuck Jennifer Jason Leigh and the toothless woman with the ATM that tries to kill Jesse Pinkman.   I doubt any group has less attractive archetypes)

Don't forget about that guy, that hillbilly dealer in the movie "Chrystal" with Billy Bob Thornton in it.
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: OpticalInfinity on July 25, 2011, 05:03 am
Going to buy some tonight from a local dealer. It's not great. It's mediocre. So, with great sadness, and then mild euphoria, and then great sadness again + a harsh comedown.. I'll keep waiting for a Kern County, CA source.

I don't know where you are in CA, but out in the desert there is a very small town called Hemet.  It is infested with high quality meth labs.  It's so small you could probably just go there and sniff one out.  It's also the HQ for some portion of the Scientology UFO cult.  That's really the only two things in that town.   :)

(I have three abiding images of a meth dealer: the guy with no nose in "The Salton Sea",  the guy in the overalls, no shirt, in "Rush" that tries to fuck Jennifer Jason Leigh and the toothless woman with the ATM that tries to kill Jesse Pinkman.   I doubt any group has less attractive archetypes)
Pooh Bear was a great character, I loved The Salton Sea (even before I first did any drugs). Let's not forget Spider-- John Leguizamo's character from "Spun" x)

Also, I'm nowhere even remotely near Hemet, CA. I lived in Kern County when I was younger, but now I'm not even near to the west coast, sadly.
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: semilanceata on July 25, 2011, 02:11 pm
does meth not permanently damage you? that shit hasn't hit my country yet, hoping it stays that way, enough fucked in the head junkies abouts the place nevermind having to deal with mentalist tweakers fucking peoples shit up.
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: nomad bloodbath on July 25, 2011, 03:23 pm
does meth not permanently damage you? that shit hasn't hit my country yet, hoping it stays that way, enough fucked in the head junkies abouts the place nevermind having to deal with mentalist tweakers fucking peoples shit up.

Fuck yeah it permanently damages you, but if you only chip 2-3 times a years it's not a big deal you do it weekly and you are in trouble. Because weekly becomes daily and daily becomes idk where my front teeth went???
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: joeblow2 on July 25, 2011, 03:38 pm
I agree and think that "Spun" should be required viewing for any person deciding to acquire a meth habit.

I left that one off my list because I try *very hard* not to think about that movie.  The driving around, strung out, in a beater car in the hot sun.   Aaaarrrggghhhh!   It always harshes my brain to think about that.   :o

And also because the director stole the whole "pinning a pupil" photography thing from "Requiem for a Dream".  Do people who like opiates get as freaked out by that movie as people who like meth do by "Spun"?  No need to answer, just a rhetorical question.
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: OpticalInfinity on July 25, 2011, 05:32 pm
does meth not permanently damage you? that shit hasn't hit my country yet, hoping it stays that way, enough fucked in the head junkies abouts the place nevermind having to deal with mentalist tweakers fucking peoples shit up.
It's neurotoxic, yes. But emerging studies show that damage can be minimized with L-ascorbic acid in laboratory animals. Its propensity for mental addiction is high, as anyone can see by an encounter with most users. However, I find that moderate use (for me, in any case) is no more than twice a month. I've managed to avoid addiction for over a year, following a strict regimen of L-ascorbic acid beforehand, and using insufflation as THE only route of administration. I've only anecdotal evidence to support my theories of vaporization leading to addiction faster, but nearly everyone I know who did so became addicted faster, probably due to the amount you need to smoke to start feeling spun. I believe it's delayed when being taken in through the lungs, so by the time you feel spun, you've already done LOTS of it, whereas insufflation hits you almost immediately.

As with any drug, you CAN own it, but I'll admit that it takes significantly more will-power than other drugs I've tried. This doesn't mean it can't be fun. Just be careful.

I agree and think that "Spun" should be required viewing for any person deciding to acquire a meth habit.

I left that one off my list because I try *very hard* not to think about that movie.  The driving around, strung out, in a beater car in the hot sun.   Aaaarrrggghhhh!   It always harshes my brain to think about that.   :o

And also because the director stole the whole "pinning a pupil" photography thing from "Requiem for a Dream".  Do people who like opiates get as freaked out by that movie as people who like meth do by "Spun"?  No need to answer, just a rhetorical question.
Yeah, that movie definitely made me cringe. Week-long rides? I couldn't even imagine such fresh hell. But it was still a great movie!
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: nomad bloodbath on July 25, 2011, 07:09 pm
I agree and think that "Spun" should be required viewing for any person deciding to acquire a meth habit.

I left that one off my list because I try *very hard* not to think about that movie.  The driving around, strung out, in a beater car in the hot sun.   Aaaarrrggghhhh!   It always harshes my brain to think about that.   :o

And also because the director stole the whole "pinning a pupil" photography thing from "Requiem for a Dream".  Do people who like opiates get as freaked out by that movie as people who like meth do by "Spun"?  No need to answer, just a rhetorical question.

I also refuse to watch Spun or Requiem for a Dream second time......A++++ Movies, but 1 timers for me.

Fucking Brittany Murphy in Spun now that bitch is dead of a OD.... YUCK.UGH.
Title: Re: Cyrstal meth from Kern County, California; the Meth capital of the country!
Post by: semilanceata on July 25, 2011, 08:48 pm
I've managed to avoid addiction for over a year, following a strict regimen of L-ascorbic acid beforehand, and using insufflation as THE only route of administration.

Excellent protip for all those aspiring meth-heads out there!